The Anti-Corruption Court on Friday granted Former Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of Trade and Cooperatives Geraldine Ssali Busuulwa a cash bail of sh35m. Lady Justice Jane Okuo Kajuga granted Geraldine Ssali bail after finding out that her sureties were substantial with a good provisional balance of money in their bank accounts. Kajuga said Geraldine Ssali […]
Prosy Awusi, a suspect previously released by the court, has been re-arrested and remanded to Nakifuma Prison. Awusi, a resident of Kateete village in Kasawo Town Council, Mukono District, is accused of viciously attacking her co-wife, Sylvia Achola, and Achola’s twelve-year-old daughter with acid. The incident left Achola, who was four months pregnant, in severe pain […]
Court in Kamuli district has granted bail to 10 supporters of the National Unity Platform (NUP). They were arrested last week while preparing for the visit of NUP President Robert Kyagulanyi Ssentamu. Kyagulanyi was slated to preside over a consultative meeting at Kananage Primary School. However, it was blocked by police, leading to a confrontation with NUP […]
Nine Supporters of the National Unity Platform (NUP) who are facing terrorism charges are seeking bail in the International Crimes Division of the High Court. They have meanwhile been remanded until June 4th, 2024. They are; Hamidu Muyobi, Abdallah Katumba, Muhamod Kalyango, Male Sulaiman Kyewalabye, Wilber Kairugara, Umar Magara, Abdu Katumba, Issa Makumbi and Hamidu Ssekide. […]
Molly Katanga, the widow of slain businessman Henry Katanga, has lost her second bid to secure her release on bail. The 55-year-old, who suffers from nasal sinusitis, vertigo (a condition often described as dizziness), breast masses, and hypertension, has been remanded as she awaits trial for the alleged murder of her husband. Henry Katanga was […]