Brig. Gen. Charles Oluka, the deceased.

ISO Boss, Brig. Gen. Charles Oluka is Dead

1 minute, 44 seconds Read

The Director General of the Internal Security Organization (ISO), Brig. Gen. Charles Oluka, on Wednesday evening collapsed, and died.

The cause of death is not yet known, but Chris Obore, the head of communications at Parliament, said on X “Oh no! Brig Oluka why that sudden? You work in the office upto 5:00pm. Go home to join usual evening prayers. Collapse during prayers and die like that! Noo! I know we are all moving dead bodies but it’s painful. May the angels receive you. You have made your contribution.”

Oluka was appointed as the Director General of ISO in October 2020 replacing Col. Frank Kaka Bagyenda who had been at the helm for more than three years.

Kaka served under immense criticism over allegedly ‘cook’ intelligence reports, kidnaps and torture of suspects.

At the time of his appointment, Oluka was at the rank of Lieutenant Colonel but was later promoted to full Colonel. Early last year, President Yoweri Museveni, promoted him to Brigadier General.

During his tenure as ISO boss, Brig Oluka has worked alongside police’s crime intelligence and chieftaincy of military intelligence to hunt for criminal gangs in greater Kampala and other parts of the country.

One of the crime incidents where Brig Oluka collaborated with other security agencies to have culprits apprehended or neutralized was the Northern Bypass gangs. These thugs were throwing bricks and pavers at drivers and motorcyclists and would later rob them clean after their vehicles crashed.

Brig Gen Oluka also worked alongside crime intelligence, CMI and JATT to apprehend culprits involved in the shooting of works minister Gen Katumba Wamala in 2021. This incident left Gen Katumba’s daughter Brenda Nantongo dead.

ISO under Brig. Gen. Oluka was also pivotal in the apprehension of criminals involved in the greater Masaka machete attacks that left close to 30 people killed between July and September 2021. He was always present in joint security briefings whenever a crime incident that needed joint efforts happened.

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