The Police in Kibuku district are holding seven suspects for allegedly punishing a 19-year-old girl to coma. Kyaggwe TV has learnt that Shakira Nakirya was being accused of attending a church service despite the fact that she is of a Muslim faith.
A daughter to Siraje Kalayi and Safina Najjuka, Nakirya was given more than 100 canes by her uncles who had instead previously taken her to a shrine where they had sought attention of the witchdoctors for the evil spirits which were attacking her.
However, after failing to get relief, Nakirya was tipped by one of her peers about a certain Pentecostal Church which was to address her challenges, something she accepted to give a try.
Unfortunately, after learning about her going into the church for deliverance prayers, the Nakirya’s uncles teamed up and started caning her continuously while holding her hands and legs.
The incident is said to have occurred on Saturday April 20, 2024.
The shocking canning was done while recording a video which went viral on different social media platforms over the weekend.
Upon getting the video, Pr. Nicholas Kitwa sought the intervention of the Police at Kadama Police Station on reference number SD13/22/4/2024 and the suspects were later apprehended.
The incident is said to have happened at the home of Late Hajji Kosi in Bugolya Cell, Nabunyere Ward, Kadama Town Council, along Kadama Idudi road in Kibuku district.
The arrests were made under the leadership of Resident District Commissioner (RDC) Samuel Musiho, who was reportedly attacked by one of the arrested individuals using an iron bar intending to harm him for intervening on their responsibility to exercise their parental duties on their daughter.
RDC Musiho asked the residents to always have religious tolerance and respect for individual beliefs. He also highlighted the need for protection and support for victims of such violence.