Top security personnel in Amuru District have been reassigned amidst the controversy surrounding the mysterious death of former acting Amuru District Veterinary Officer, Samuel Ochora. The reshuffle comes more than two weeks after Ochora’s death was announced by Amuru security officials during a purported crackdown on defiant migrant cattle keepers on the night of January […]
The family members of the deceased former acting Amuru District Veterinary Officer, Dr. Samuel Ochola have barred Amuru district security officials from attending the burial of their son. Dr. Ochora (33) was on Saturday laid to rest at his father’s home in Kirombe Cell in Bardege Layibi Division in Gulu City. This comes a week […]
The parents of the former acting Amuru District veterinary officer Dr. Samuel Ochora have tasked leaders and security personnel in Amuru district to explain with clarity the circumstances that led to the death of their son. This comes as the parents revealed pathologists failed to recover any bullet from the deceased’s body following a postmortem […]