The Anti-Corruption Court in Kampala has granted bail to Mitooma Chief Magistrate Sylvia Nvanungi and Ssembabule State Attorney Jacqueline Bako who are facing charges of corruption. The duo spent Wednesday night in Luzira prison after being charged and remanded on eight counts of corruption. Bako appeared on all cases while Nvanungi faces one count which […]
President Yoweri Museveni on Monday pardoned Jimmy Lwamafa, the former Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of Public Service. Lwamafa’s name came out on the list with other 199 inmates whom President Museveni pardoned following the power vested in him under Article 121(1)(a) of the constitution of the Republic of Uganda, 1995 as amended and one […]
A Police officer, Gilbert Arinaitwe Bwana, that pepper sprayed Dr Kizza Besigye after smashing the window screen of his car with a pistol twelve years ago, has been remanded to Luzira prison. Arinaitwe Bwana, who in 2015 was also in court over family violence, is this time around facing charges of aggravated trafficking in person. […]