The Kassanda police fraternity is mourning the death of their colleague, Moses Aliguma, who was killed in a road accident on Monday evening at Nakiganda village, along the Mityana-Mubende road. Aliguma, who was riding a Bajaj Boxer motorcycle (UFP 815R), was struck by a Fuso Fighter milk tanker, which was trying to dodge a pothole. […]
Eleven people were on Wednesday pronounced dead on spot in a fatal accident that occurred at Namilyango village along Mityana-Bukuya road. Rachael Kawala, the Wamala Region Police spokesperson confirmed the sad news saying that three other casualties also died from the health facilities where they were rushed in critical condition. Kawala said that the traffic […]
National Unity Platform (NUP) members if Mityana district have been warned not to attend the party Principals mobilisation campaign which had been slated for tomorrow, June 4, 2024. Rachael Kawala, the Wamala Police spokesperson says that Robert Kyagulanyi Ssentamu, the NUP’s party president’s mobilisation rallies were halted by the Police top management on June 1, […]
The 28-year-old lawyer, Mahad Gumirason, on Thursday evening succumbed to injuries he sustained after he was attacked by a panga-wielding gang about two weeks ago in Mityana district. Following the attack, Gumirason was rushed to Rubaga Hospital, but did not make it. Family members said Gumirason’s murder is linked to a land case that he […]
They are believed to have suffocated to death inside an elevator shaft inside the facility where their bodies were found on Friday at midday. Police in Wamala Region, Mityana District are investigating the death of three people at a coffee factory. Wamala Region Police spokesperson Racheal Kawala identified the deceased as employees of Zigoti Coffee […]