The school community of St. Thereza Namilyango Girls’ Boarding Primary School were on Thursday morning shocked by the news of the school farm manager who was severely cut by her ex-lover who later cut his throat and caused his own death. The victim has been identified as Maureen Namwanje and the suspect as Henry Ssabakaaki […]
The Anti-Corruption Court in Kampala has remanded the former Executive Director of Mulago National Referral Hospital Dr. Byarugaba Baterana Bonaventura to Luzira prison on charges of abuse of office. He and six others are accused of causing the government a sh6.3bn loss in irregular and double payments. They were on Wednesday arraigned before the Court presided over by the Acting […]
The Civil Division of the High Court has ordered Mulago Hospital to pay sh50m to a 47-year-old woman as compensation for psychological torture and trauma she suffered when she lost her baby. In his ruling, Justice Phillip Odoki observed that the failure of Mulago Hospital to give Fatuma Nakayima her baby after birth and provide […]
An officer of the Uganda People’s Defence Forces (UPDF), Sgt. Stephen Kawuki is admitted at Mulago hospital nursing wounds of dip cuts including one of his hands which was on Thursday night cut off allegedly by his wife. Sgt. Kawuki who is one of the guards of the Minister of State for Defence, Jacob Oboth […]