Kenya Swears-in New Deputy President Kithure Kindiki

Kenya’s Kithure Kindiki has been sworn in as the country’s new deputy president in a ceremony held in Nairobi, the capital of Kenya on Friday, a day after the High Court lifted orders that barred his inauguration. The inauguration of Kindiki, who was the immediate former Cabinet secretary in the Ministry of Interior and National […]

RAILA ODINGA: Oil Middlemen are Kenyan Govt Officials

Following Uganda’s decision to bypass Kenyan oil middlemen and import fuel directly into the country, leading Kenyan politician Raila Odinga has come out with a statement that has several serious allegations, that is run in full below. ******* STATEMENT BY THE RT. HON. RAILA ODINGA ON THE KENYA OIL DEAL, NOVEMBER 16, 2023: Dear Kenyans […]

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