Investigative journalist Risdel Kasasira, 45, has been killed in a road crash. Twaha Kasirye, the Police Spokesperson for Greater Masaka confirmed Kasasira’s death which he attributed to over speeding. “We have indeed registered a single fatal accident that has claimed journalist Risdel Kasasira which happened at 1:00pm along Lyantonde – Kashagama road in Lyantonde district, at […]
The Police in Masaka City are holding a 42-year-old son who allegedly strangled his 87-year-old mother to death. Twaha Kasirye, the Police spokesperson for Masaka region identified the suspect as Joseph Kasibante and the deceased as Birigo Namaganda who has been a resident of Kimaanya B Cell in Kimaanya-Kibonera Division, Masaka City. Kasibante was arrested together with […]