The Inspector General of Police (IGP), Abbas Byakagaba, has made his first reshuffle of 2025, affecting seven senior police officers. The reshuffle includes the transfer of Assistant Inspector General of Police (AIGP) Geoffrey Musana, who has been moved from the Directorate of Welfare and Production to become the police attaché in South Sudan. Senior Commissioner of […]
A total of 239 schoolchildren have been killed in road accidents in the past nine months, the Ugandan Police said, warning motorists to be more careful as the third term began on Monday. The children, aged between five and 18, were killed while being dropped off or picked up from school in the past two […]
Fear has gripped the entire Uganda Police Fraternity following the collapse and death of one of them, Assistant Superintendent of Police, Darlington Eiru. Eiru has been serving as the Officer in charge of Clock Tower Police Station in Kampala. He is said to have been pronounced dead on Sunday morning upon arrival at Nsambya Hospital […]
KAMPALA | BY THE INDEPENDENT Back in 2015, there was a shoot-out at the home of former Inspector General of Government (IGG) Justice Faith Mwondha in Iganga district. Thugs had attacked Justice Mwondha’s home and on hearing the news, then Inspector General of Police Gen. Kale Kayihura rushed to the scene with the pomp and […]