The Inspector General of Police, Abbas Byakagaba, has appointed Assistant Commissioner of Police (ACP) Rusoke Kituuma as the new police spokesperson.
Kituuma, who was in 2023 appointed as a member of the Police Council, replaces Fred Enanga.
Enanga, who previously served as the former commissioner in charge of land protection, was first appointed Police spokesperson in 2014 by then IGP Gen Kale Kayihura.
Enanga was later replaced by Assistant Inspector General of Police, Andrew Felix Kaweesi in 2016.
Kaweesi’s appointment came at a time when the Police Force was struggling with a tainted image and in conflict with institutions like the Judiciary and the Directorate of Public Prosecution.
Police were also facing criticism from the opposition, the diplomatic core and civil society organisations over brutality and corruption.
Following the murder of Kaweesi, the director of Interpol Assistant Inspector General of Police (AIGP) Asan Kasingye was in March 2017 appointed police spokesperson.
In November 2017, Kayihura appointed Emillian Kayima to replace Kasingye. In 2019, Enanga bounced back as police spokesperson until Sunday June 30, 2024 when he has been replaced by ACP Kituuma.
Kituuma recently graduated with a Master of Arts in Peace and Conflict Studies.
He previously served as Regional Police Commander East Kyoga and Busoga East, Manager Security and Enforcement, KCCA, and Regional Police Commander for Rwizi region.