Kiteezi Tragedy: President Museveni Dismisses KCCA ED Dorothy Kisaka, Other Top Leaders

President Museveni has today dismissed the Kampala Capital City Authority (KCCA) top leadership starting with the Executive director, Dorothy Kisaka, her deputy, Eng. David Luyimbazi and the Director of Public Health, Dr. Daniel Okello. President Museveni made the above decision following the findings of the Inspector General of Government (IGG) report concerning the Kiteezi Landfill […]

Mukono Reaps Big from Greater Kampala Metropolitan Roads Tarmacking Program

Government on Monday launched the tarmacking of the 9.72km road in Mukono Municipality under the Greater Kampala Metropolitan program funded by the World Bank. The Minister of State for Kampala Capital City Authority and Metropolitan Affairs, Kyofatogabye Kabuye said that the contract for the tarmacking of Nassuuti-Nakabago-Ntaawo-Bbajjo road interlinking to Kigunga-Serado-Kob-Musisi road was awarded to […]

Street Vendors Sue KCCA, Law Enforcement Officers for Brutal Arrests

Two street vendors have sued Kampala Capital City Authority (KCCA) and two law enforcement officers for inhuman arrest during operations. The vendors Esther Apio and Hamida Nakayaga who sell fruits, drinks, and vegetables on Tuesday filed their case against Isaac Kato, Henry Mutebi and KCCA. They contend that KCCA often sends male enforcement officers who […]

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