The Kassanda police fraternity is mourning the death of their colleague, Moses Aliguma, who was killed in a road accident on Monday evening at Nakiganda village, along the Mityana-Mubende road. Aliguma, who was riding a Bajaj Boxer motorcycle (UFP 815R), was struck by a Fuso Fighter milk tanker, which was trying to dodge a pothole. […]
They are believed to have suffocated to death inside an elevator shaft inside the facility where their bodies were found on Friday at midday. Police in Wamala Region, Mityana District are investigating the death of three people at a coffee factory. Wamala Region Police spokesperson Racheal Kawala identified the deceased as employees of Zigoti Coffee […]
Four people have been confirmed dead following an accident which occurred on Mityana-Mubende highway. The accident is said to have happened during the wee hours of the night on Wednesday at Mumusa village in Mityana district. The accident involved motor vehicles Isuzu Elf registration number UBH 369J which had a head on collision with a […]
Four people have been recorded dead in a fatal road accident that occurred on Mityana-Mubende highway at Myanzi Trading Centre in Kassanda District. Rachael Kawala, the Wamala Region Police Spokesperson has said that the accident that occurred at 3:00am during the wee hours of Sunday morning claimed four lives whereas three people sustained grave injuries. Kawala […]
Kassanda territorial Police are investigating a tragic incident of a police officer who shot himself dead after trying to shoot his boss. Rachael Kawala, the Wamala Region Police spokesperson identified the deceased as No. 1037 PC Kitiyo Alex, a 47-year-old male adult and resident of Makokoto Trading Center. Kawala said that the incident happened at […]