Grace Day Care and Orphanage Primary School at Nakifuma where the headteacher allegedly defiled his Primary Seven pupil.

Headteacher Goes into Hiding after Impregnating P.7 Candidate

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The headteacher of Grace Day Care, Orphanage and Primary School is currently on run after he allegedly defiled one of his Primary Seven candidates. Patrick Onyango, the Kampala Metropolitan Police spokesperson has identified the suspect as Otim Jolly Joe.

Onyango says that during the month of August, 2023, at Busenya Cell in Nakifuma-Nagalama Town Council, Otim allegedly engaged into aggravated defilement of a 14-year-old Primary Seven pupil from his school.

“It was established that during holidays, the suspect sent for the victim to go to his home which is also located at the school premises. When the victim entered the room, the suspect closed the door, forcefully undressed her and engaged her into sexual intercourse,” he said.

Onyango also said that in the month of September, Otim gave the victim sh5000 to go for a medical check-up, where it was revealed to her that she pregnant.

“Again on September 30, 2023, the suspect gave the victim sh60,000 to go and carry out an abortion, which the medical workers objected to do and alerted the school director and the victim’s mother,” the KMP spokesperson narrated.

Upon knowing that the message had leaked, Otim disappeared from school to an unknown destination where he is up to now hiding from.

Kyaggwe TV learnt that the victim was escorted by one of her female teachers to the clinic to perform abortion and she is also on the run after police also charged her with abetting crime.

In a separate development, the Police spokesperson, Fred Enanga has reported that the police in Greater Bushenyi and Bushenyi district have in custody, an 18-year-old, male suspect, Amanya Cryton, of Buhuma cell, Ishaka division, for the aggravated defilement of two 7-year-old, female twin juveniles, and primary pupils, on October 4, 2023 at around 6:00pm.

Enanga said that the facts gathered indicated that one of the twins ran to her mother at Kijumo trading center and told her how the suspect wanted to defile both of them.

“The mother rushed home and found her other twin daughter naked and being defiled. The victim revealed that it was the third occasion, that the suspect had defiled her,” Police learnt.

It is alleged that the complainant alerted the village chairperson who caused the suspect’s arrest.

During medical examination police established that the suspect had repeatedly defiled the female twins.

Police also confirmed that the suspect is related to the mother of the victims, and was the one caretaking them as the mother went for her normal duties as a shop attendant.

“We strongly condemn such acts of child sexual abuse, by teachers and caretakers, who are looked at as protectors and defenders of the rights of children, especially the girl children,” he warned.

Enanga confirmed that Police teams have directed resources to the arrest of the headteacher on the run, Otim Jolly, as they charge Amanya Cryton, to court with two counts of aggravated defilement.

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