A 24-year-old Mubaraka Sharayimu also known as Musiramu Mundari has been remanded to Luzira Prison on charges of aggravated robbery. Sharayimu was on Thursday remanded by the Grade One Magistrate, Jalia Basajjabalaba who didn’t allow him to say anything about the charges on grounds that they are capital in nature. Basajjabalaba said that the […]
Thugs have robbed sh22.4m from an Indian national in Hoima City. The victim is Ganatra Kapil (32), a resident of Kiratete a suburb of Hoima city. The incident happened on Saturday around 7:30pm. It is alleged that Kapil left his home at around 7:00pm to go and look for supper. However, when he returned home, […]
Police have confirmed the arrest of PC Ivan Wabwire (30) who shot dead an Indian national, Uttam Bhandari on Friday. Wabwire was recorded on the CCTV cameras shooting Bhandari inside a banking facility of TFS Financial Services located at Raja Chambers on Parliamentary Avenue in Kampala City Centre. Kampala Metropolitan Police spokesman, Luke Owoyesigyire says […]
The President of Uganda, Yoweri Kaguta Museveni has raised six questions out of anger in regards to the gruesome murder by shooting of an Indian National by a policeman on Friday. Museveni’s questions goes as follows; Ugandans, especially the Bazzukulu, Condolences on the death of one of our Indian People, Mr. Uttam Bhandari, killed by […]
Indian National Shot Dead Inside Bank at Raja Chambers The business community in Kampala City Centre on Friday afternoon was shocked following the shooting of an Indian National. The incident is reported to have happened at Raja Chambers on Parliamentary Avenue. Eyewitnesses say that they saw a man dressed in Police Uniform shooting an Indian […]