NUP’s Zaake Referred to Disciplinary Committee Again

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The Deputy Speaker of Parliament, Thomas Tayebwa, on Thursday referred the Mityana Municipality Member of Parliament Francis Zaake of National Unity Platform (NUP) to the Rules, Privileges and Discipline Committee over misconduct

This is the second time Zaake has been referred to the disciplinary committee. Zaake’s troubles originated from an October 9, 2023 video clip in which Zaake was allegedly heard defaming Rakai District Woman MP Juliet Kinyamatama in her constituency.

According to the video which is making rounds on social media, the latter is seen criticizing the residents for electing Kinyamatama.

Speaking on a procedural point, Kinyamatama described the contents as extremely demeaning and not pleasant to the human ear.

Before playing the video to the legislators, there was a tag of war as the opposition attempted to veto the move arguing that investigating matters outside the precincts of the August House would set a bad precedent.


“When I heard issues with the Presiding officer, you remember what Hon. Chris Baryomunsi and Dombo did to have these matters sorted outside Parliament.

Otherwise, I fear that I go and quarrel with Ssekikubo, he comes here and it becomes a Parliament matter. So, the procedural matter I am raising is whether our rules that require decorum in this Parliament can allow screening of words a Member has said cannot be uttered,” Kira Municipality MP Ibrahim Semujju Nganda (FDC) queried.

This resistance prompted the Speaker to briefly adjourn the House for ten minutes to calm irate members.On resumption of the House, Tayebwa informed the House that both flanks had struck a deal to listen to the video and then proceed to handle other business.

Gorette Namugga (Mawogola South, NUP) attempted in vain to veto this on grounds that the words in the video would not sound pleasant to the viewers and MP but was overruled.

“The fact that our colleague was very aggrieved with the video and even said that the words that were said cannot be announced on the floor. Rt. Hon. Speaker, I suggest that for purposes of holding the dignity and decorum of this House, we stay the playing of this video. There are several of our colleagues who have abused our colleagues in the field. Can we bring the same videos and be played here?” Namugga submitted.

“Let that video be played, I want the world to see what he said, why are we covering evil? An attack on a woman is an attack on all of us as female MPs, I have been keeping my cool, but I want this house to see what exactly happened. We can’t cover men that don’t respect women. I can’t be called what he called me,” Kinyamatama.

“That’s the video and I refer the matter to the Committee of Rules as per Rule 175 of our Rules of Procedure. Our chair and your team, you have up to 45 days to respond to the matter,” he ordered.

Rule 91 (1) of the Rules of Procedure authorizes a presiding officer to refer statements defamatory to anyone to the discipline committee chaired by Abdul Kantuntu.

The Kira Municipality MP, Ibrahim Ssemujju Nganda asked the Deputy Speaker Tayebwa to also refer Gen. Katumba Wamala to the Rules, Privilege & Discipline Committee for earlier on boxing Zaake during the 2017 heated debate on age limit bill, saying if Zaake is going to be investigated over the defamatory remarks, the person who had earlier attempted to box him to death should also be investigated.



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