UNEB ED Dan Odongo.

PLE 2024: Five Headteachers Interdicted Over Exams Malpractice

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Authorities in Buyende district have interdicted five headteachers over alleged involvement in Primary Leaving Examinations (PLE) malpractices that led to the Uganda National Examinations Board (UNEB) to withhold their results.

According to Buyende district Senior Education Officer, Aaron Gwoloba, the affected headteachers are from; Kagulu, Namulikya, Mirengeizo, Namusita and Igoola primary schools.

Gwoloba said that their action followed the decision by the UNEB to withhold results of 445 candidates who sat their PLE in the affected schools. He said that they have decided to have the affected headteacher get out of their offices pending the release of the withheld exams.

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Giving details of withheld results, Gwoloba disclosed that UNEB suspected that there could have been some malpractices leading to withholding of results for Igoola PS (one learner affected), Namusita PS (67), Mirengeizo PS (80), Kagulu PS (106) and Namulikya PS (191).

He was however optimistic that the truth will be established and the results will be released.

He explained that UNEB has written to them clarifying on circumstances surrounding withholding of their results, saying there is high suspicion of examination malpractice in the affected five schools.

He also dismissed social media reports that Buyende is among the worst performing districts saying the UNEB portal indicates Buyende has 401 first grades though currently the released results have 250 meaning when the withheld results are released it will be posted the best performance location and conditions notwithstanding.

Parents of affected learners threaten to protest

Parents of 445 learners whose results were withheld on malpractice grounds have threatened to demonstrate.

The jilted parents threatened to demonstrate and chase the headteachers from these schools if their children’s results were not released to enable them to join secondary schools.

Sam Mujagendo, a parent of three former learners at Namulikya Primary School in Bugaya sub-county and a neighbour to the school said he has been seeing learners study up to late hours of the night, adding that the good results follow the hard and committed work by both teachers and learners.

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“We are not going to sit back as our education investment goes to the dogs, we are waiting for just this week and if nothing is forthcoming, we are taking to the streets demanding justice,” he confirmed.

Other parents regretted that owing to the development, their children have been subjected to psychological torture.

Fazira Muwaya, an affected candidate of Namulikya Primary School who was in tears, said her dream of accessing a scholarship promised by Eng. Moses Magogo, their area MP who promised them after excelling in PLE is being smashed. “I cannot imagine repeating P7 with the associated problems of confronting my dad with the school fees problem,” Fazira said.

Another affected learner Shamim Tibiita said his father has been finding a big hurdle getting the sh300,000 required for a term, and expressed worry that if forced to repeat, it may be impossible for him to continue paying.

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